Steamed Challah with Kaya
This is one way to use up any leftover challah after Shabbat. Because the bread is steamed, it adds moisture back into the day old bread. For a full kopitiam breakfast, serve with coffee and a couple of half-boiled eggs with soy sauce.
4 slices of day old challah, crusts removed (save those crusts for future bread crumbs!)
Kaya jam
Cold butter, cut into generous slices

Add about an inch of water to a large shallow pan or wok. Place bamboo steamer into pan and bring water to a boil. Reduce heat and keep at a simmer over low heat.
Arrange cold butter slices onto two challah slices. Spread buttered slices with a generous amount of kaya. Top with remaining challah slices (you should end up with two sandwiches). Cut sandwiches into halves or quarters.
Check water level in steamer, and add more water if needed. Arrange sandwich halves in steamer and steam over low heat for 4-6 minutes. Serve immediately with a side of runny eggs with soy sauce, and a cup of strong coffee.
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